Month: February 2012
Episode 81 – John Selig Outspoken: The Book – One Person at a Time – A Coming Out Chronicle
I share the breakup of my thirteen-year marriage to Linda, the coming to terms with my depression and my coming out of the closet. This was an emotionally difficult period of my life but one where I grew stronger by facing my demons. I became a better parent to my son Nathaniel who remained with…
Episode 80 – David Mixner – Political Consultant, Campaign Manager, Fund-Raiser, Strategist, Gay & AIDS Activist & Writer
Newsweek called David Mixner “the most powerful gay man in America.” David Mixner has been a political and human rights activist for over 51 years and along the way had over 300 friends dies from AIDS and he personally delivered over 90 eulogies over a 2-year period. David’s respite in Turkey Hollow, ten miles from…