Tag: Prejudice
We Must All Face Our Own Prejudices
Lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people are in a fairly unique position in that most of us are quite different from our immediate families…
I am Tired of Fighting for Gay Rights
Since coming I have constantly spoken to friends, family, coworkers, neighbors and even complete strangers about the challenges faced by lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender people…
Outside The Comfort Zone
Religion, or religious preference as I prefer to call it, is not an easy topic for me to discuss for several reasons…
Salvation Army Protest Had a Strong Purpose
Recently gay activists lodged complaints with the two Walgreens in the Oak Lawn area for allowing Salvation Army bell ringers at their stores…
John Rocker
The real issue concerning John Rocker’s recent run-in with gays at Breadwinners Restaurant in Dallas has more to do with the Texas Rangers management’s reaction than with Rocker’s alleged behavior…
Dr. Laura’s New TV Show: Con
Laura Schlessinger’s television show debuts Monday on KTVT-TV, Channel 11. Its launch climaxes more than two years of concern within the gay community…
TV Show Might Foster Bigotry
Recent outrage from the gay community and our supporters concerning Paramount’s upcoming Laura Schlessinger television show has been met by cries from her defenders about Schlessinger’s First Amendment rights…